HODL Tight

Your Wallet’s About to Get Hilarious!


In the bustling digital city of Giggleopolis, a new cryptocurrency was born. It wasn’t a coin for buying coffee or paying rent; it was for something far more valuable—laughter. This was LOLs Coin, a digital token that thrived on giggles, chuckles, and belly laughs. The motto was simple: The more you laugh, the richer you become.

How To Buy

Create a Wallet

Download MetaMask or your preferred wallet for free from the App Store or Google Play. For desktop users, get the Google Chrome extension at metamask.io.


Make sure you have ETH in your wallet to swap for $LOLs. If you’re out of ETH, you can buy it directly on MetaMask, transfer from another wallet, or purchase on an exchange and send it to your wallet.

go to uniswap

$LOLs connect to Uniswap. Open app.uniswap.org in Google Chrome or through the browser in your MetaMask app. Connect your wallet, paste the $LOLs token address into Uniswap, select LOLs, and confirm. When MetaMask prompts you for a wallet signature, sign it to complete the process.


450,000,000,000,000 total supply

no fees, no taxes, no paperwork, just LOL.


Phase Infinity: LOLs and HODL

Sale Starting Soon!

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